
On Just Authority

  1. I define myself as an anarchist, but that doesnt mean i despise all authority. Only that authority which is derived from unjust imbalances of power.

  2. . Justice can be defined as any interaction which is:

    1. Non exploitative

    2. Voluntary

  3. Therefore any Authority that is one or both of such descriptions can be seen as Justified.

  4. I would catergorise three kinds of generally Just authorities

    1. Elders:
      Those authorities that are required by the young to survive till agency or maturity

    2. Experts
      Those authorities which inform the ignorant on issues which they are well versed and experienced with

    3. Educators
      Those authorities which create and teach knowledge which helps individuals become agent, skilled and morally just

  5. This simple categorisation assumes a lack of deception, which i see as unjust by the definitions defined in point 2.

The theory seeks to enable the agency of the individual within the context of the collectives will. Some imbalances of power will exist in any society however not all imbalances are entirely evil or uncalled for. They can and have existed hitherto in history and are justified by our material and social conditions.

The child requires the elder to survive or it will starve.

The ignorant requires the expert to to be well and justly informed.

The student requires the educator to learn skills and morals.

These three, at least in my opinion, are justified and natural authorities

On the collapse of the soviet union

The Berlin Wall would not have been constructed if the US was not spying on them.

The US would not be spying on them if their tech was not so good.

The space race would not have happened if the two superpowers were not both trying to gain altitude as competitors in terms of defence capabilities.

If there was peace between them, communism would have existed in that country. Because communism is not statist unless it is pushed against a wall. Otherwise it is fundamentally decentralised, peaceful, and efficient. Like water, under pressure it becomes strong and crystalline. Free and flowing, it is the solvent of life, acting as a conduit, as it does in the ocean. Communism works like the anarchistic structure of the sea. It is only the organisms that inhabit it that hold any power, and use that power within their natural reach.

The fact is that the fall of the Soviet Union is often mythologised in the west, as if the country was lifted into an enlightened era. This view is encouraged by state media, from early propaganda fantasizing of a world without communism to the post modern censure of left leaning opinions, and politicians like Bernie sanders. Whos chances in the 2016 election were squashed by the considerably less left leaning Democratic party.

This demonization is ignoring the fact that abject poverty awaited the former soviet bloc. As well as a paradigm in business known as vulture capitalism. It was as if those who ran the black markets were the only ones who had enough money to buy their formerly illegal smuggling. The fact is also that this 1st-world-2nd-world-3rd-world-paradigm-fallacy is simply the rhetoric of those besieging an enemy. And the Soviet Union had no time to not be at war with anybody.

Whether this was by design or not, this means communist systems were never shown to be as peaceful and prosperous as they actually were for those working class folks "under the heel". People miss the soviet times, despite the war that raged around them. The west spent that time discussing how would be best to starve those eastern communists. And their children grow up talking about how 'weak' and 'awful' it was to be a communist, the children of people who had the luxury to leave.

(Cuba faced the same issue in terms of its image in the west. Those who were displaced by the revolution were almost exclusively those who had plantations, hotels and restaurants of the rich and famous. Many Black former and contemporary slaves were able to finally gain freedom from these effective spanish lords.)

On Democracy in this country

Democracy is simply the will of the collective. It is apathetic to any kind of freedom or leadership style. People will make decisions as individuals and will be led towards certain ideas via virtue or deception by free agents over time. So those paradigms within the zeitgeist which stick around will inform individuals on actions to take. Despite the efforts of great states to control which particular paradigm is best for taxes, or health or whatever.

Communism, in its efforts to push towards anarchy will always be struggling against the fact that people, as individuals, will choose which paradigms suit them best. So many communists leaders, in their efforts to push towards anarchy, fall under the spell of authoritarianism to achieve their singular goals. And the Capitalists, in attempting the same, fall under the spell of apathy to human needs and human wishes as they search for greater profits.

Democracy is possible if we allow paradigm shifts to take their natural course. Democracy is possible with a larger public involvement in politics, and the shrinking of the kind of political power which encourages the hoarding of further offices. Democracy is possible with true representation. Representation that the Australian people have been requesting since the First Nations were denied a treaty. No individual should be so wholly responsible for others will and wishes, while being so unreachable as our politicians are today. Even those so called independents, of which there are few. These muppets act as if they represent a form of real democracy. That by their vote the publics will is done. But they, like all other partizans make their decisions based on which of two colours is their favorite. And even when these parties do end up winning, they change their leaders at their own whim. No Australian national will ever be the head of this state. And no Aboriginal could ever be the Queen of her own country.

Politicians should vote on issues, not policy. I envision a system by which the public would be able to speak to their leaders face.

A place for meeting.

A tribunal for the people.

A third House of Parliament, and a president elected directly by the public.

Australia deserves a republic. We, as siblings on this island deserve to be able to speak for ourselves, and choose our own rights.